Create your reality

by Jill Sockman

I change my mind about as much as the next person. At least as far as I know. Sometimes my opinion or viewpoint shifts from experience or new information, but other times it is a random change of perspective that feels as unmanaged as the weather.

A number of years ago, I wrote about this idea in regard to a student in class. She was a long-time student of mine, and one evening I watched her struggling with her body (mind) in a pose, and I offered the question, “What would happen if you decided that you liked it?” As I recall, the question was received with hissing and thorns and perhaps expletives. But The Lesson was clear? We are as attached to what we don’t like as what we do like. And it’s a choice. We resist an experience or we receive it. Period.

Recently, I had this particular teaching come around again…as they always do. I was in a situation (not particularly unpleasant or at all harmful) but I watched my mind spinning in the 3-year-old-tantrum “this isn’t what I want!!!” space. Apparently there was a pause, as seemingly out of nowhere, I heard a voice offer, “What would happen if you decided that you liked it?”

The nice thing about repeat lessons is that however slow we are, eventually we catch on. It gets easier.  Less resistance and less pain. I actually laughed to myself, and changed my mind. And you know what? It worked.

I’m not suggesting that you use this as a way to rationalize painful or navigate unhealthy situations. But when faced with the day-to-day ego-driven “I don’t like it/want it” tantrums, what would happen if you decided that you DID want it/like it? How much better would the experience be for you and anyone around you? 

We have the power to decide. The mind creates the reality. 
Change. Your. Mind.