Celebrating the love that grows at the blue

by Jill Sockman

In the same way it’s hard not to write about gratitude in November, it’s nearly impossible for me not to wax nostalgic at this time of year. And somehow this February feels bigger than most. Celebrating our 9th birthday means we are headed into our 10th year of community at blue lotus. And when I look back to where I was 10 years ago, with the exception of a very few most precious near and dear (you know who you are) nothing about my life looks the same now as it did then. Except the Booling. And if you think she’s wee now, she was really wee then.

As I was getting ready to open the door at 401 N. West Street for the first time, I remember thinking that even if it all failed — if nobody came, if it didn’t work — I was still glad I did it, that I was gifted this process of having a dream and blood-sweat-and-tearing it into reality. I felt no matter how short-lived it might be, I was incredibly grateful for the experience — how much I learned; the people who showed up out of nowhere and everywhere to help and be a part of it; the road I travelled to get to opening was worth the journey, regardless of the eventual destination.

Those who know me well won’t be surprised to hear me say IT NEVER OCCURRED TO ME that it might work. It never occurred to me that all these years, so many faces and forms later, I would still be here. That we would still be here. But I am. And we are. And I am still grateful. Somewhat ironically, I’m grateful for the very same things, though they look so different now. Other than my own class rosters, I look at our student base and instead of knowing every single face and name, I just know a relative handful. Many of “the regulars” back then have moved on — some I never see, some I rarely see, still others have moved from the role of student to teacher along side me. The dreams of Immersions and Teacher Trainings have also been made manifest — growing beyond my wildest expectations or hopes. Our little staff and little schedule have exploded and expanded to and beyond capacity.

This little vision for a sanctuary, for a place to be and to become is still here. And while it is here for you, it also is here because of you.

So thank you. And thanks to all of those who have come and gone along the way to make the journey exactly as it’s been. As Hafiz said, All evolves us.