
fall is vata time – return to nourishment of self

September 3, 2015 in Blog

Fall is Vata TimeĀ – return to nourishment of self

by Jill Sockman

I got my first whiff of Fall about two weeks ago. It wasn’t even cool outside, the air didn’t hold the crisp and dry quality that will come in a couple of short months, but it was Change — no doubt about it. It’s an unmistakeable phenomena that happens to me twice per year: both the coming of Fall at the end of a long, hot summer, and the first notion of Spring when we near the end of the dark, cold winter months. This ephemeral, intangible note in the air was the first message the summer is coming to an end, it’s time to get back to work, and most importantly, it’s time to return to deep nourishment of self.… Read the rest

Spring, Ayurvedically speaking

March 18, 2013 in Blog

Spring, Ayurvedically speaking

by Jill Furgurson


A few days ago, I was surprised by a patch of blooming violets in my backyard. In my body at least, it still feels like winter. But there they were, bravely bearingĀ the variable temperatures and breezy days to put forth new growth. As if to reinforce the message that spring was on its way, an unlucky bird chose to make her home in my mailbox while I was away for the weekend. Regrettably, I cleared away the bits of worn leave and moss, presuming she was anticipating laying some eggs on my front porch.… Read the rest