
4th Anniversary Celebration

December 31, 2010 in Blog

4th Anniversary Celebration In The Works

by Sandy Scherer

There are a great many things I love about the idea of community, and the blue lotus community in particular. Throughout the past four years, blue lotus has become a yoga home for so many — from those new to the practice to those who have been long on the journey. Like a great community, blue lotus is not only a place of support, inspiration and nourishment for those who practice at the studio, but it also is a source of the same for those the community touches.

With that in mind, each February we celebrate the blue lotus community with a weekend of by-donation classes to support an organization in need.… Read the rest


December 27, 2010 in Blog


We are certainly bringing 2010 to a close with flair! Thanks to everyone who is part of blue lotus- instructors, assistants, peeps, students- you all play a vital role in sustaining and growing the amazing Raleigh yoga community.

December highlights:

Habitat for Humanity build day…yes, it was a week before Christmas and FREEZING, but the blue crew showed up full force for a day of selfless service. See photos of all the work/fun!

Yoga Mala celebrating the Winter Solstice…it really was the most fun mala I can remember. Thanks to everyone who came to salute, sweat, surrender and even sing!… Read the rest

Gratitude – Habitat Build

December 21, 2010 in Blog

Gratitude – Habitat Build, December 2010

Just a quick note to say thank you friends. Thank you for carving out a large part of your day on Saturday to not just build a home. But to continue to build the foundation of service at the Blue. To Jill, myself and many others at the studio, this piece, Seva, is just as important at the asana, the pranayama, the meditation and the mantra. With your help we brought together the pieces of Yoga and hopefully inspired others to do the same.

Om Shanti,
CarringtonRead the rest

White Friday Playlist

November 28, 2010 in Blog

White Friday Playlist


Thanks for all who came out to make a great post holiday flow! Here is the playlist from White Flow on Friday, Nov. 26. If you were there, thanks so much for all the sing-a-long and walk down memory lane. If you missed it, feel free to browse it and have your own memory walk….mmmmm mmmmm good!
~ YvonneRead the rest

Kids Yoga At Blue Lotus

November 17, 2010 in Blog

Kids Yoga At Blue Lotus

by Jen Davis

The first kids yoga series at Blue Lotus has come and gone. We had a great group of kids and I am grateful for the positive energy they brought to the space each week. Working with kids is like working with soft clay before it has begun to get hard and difficult to shape into anything other than what it is pokies voyeur gallery at that moment. There was such a willingness to hear and try new things without judgement of themselves or others. I loved seeing them experience new poses, learn about the power of the their breath and develop new friendships with each other.… Read the rest

Retreat To The Mountains

October 31, 2010 in Blog

Retreat To The Mountains

A few weeks ago, seventeen of us packed into our cars and headed west. Although it was just a few hours’ drive from Raleigh, it felt like worlds away from the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life.

We drove out to the Prama Institute, located in Marshall, NC, about twenty minutes north of Asheville. Surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, it’s nestled among 150 acres of rolling hills and forest lands strewn with hiking trails, with the French Broad River just five minutes away. Its scenic and peaceful surroundings created the perfect place for us to recharge body, mind and spirit.… Read the rest

Opportunity For Service!

October 31, 2010 in Blog

Opportunity For Service!

Labor Day is generally a day of rest; a day off from the usual grind, and a chance to relax and enjoy what is usually a workday. Everybody looks forward to a day off, right? But even knowing this, I had no doubt when I got a call from Regina at the Wake County Women’s Shelter that she really wanted to have their reception area painted ASAP that I’d have no problem finding enough willing hands to get the project done.

I sent out the all-call, and sure enough, about a dozen enthusiastic “Yes!” responses came back. The folks at the shelter were thrilled, and in a few short hours, we transformed the entire reception area, hall and bathrooms to look like new.… Read the rest

Yoga Mala!

July 14, 2010 in Blog

Yoga Mala!

Four times each year we set up four rows of mats, crank up the stereo and count 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar A to mark the change of seasons. It’s an odd practice, I suppose, but it has become a tradition. And it’s my feeling that tradition is a good thing; rituals infuse meaning into the motions of everyday life.

Our Summer Solstice mala was a packed and sweaty celebration! Whether you were there for the fun or not, you might enjoy the playlist.

Peace!… Read the rest


June 26, 2010 in Blog


Service in the form of dana (generosity; the practice of giving) is nothing new to our community. This year we raised $6500 for MercyCorps efforts in Haiti. The year before we collected over $5000 for Nepal House. The list of organizations that we have supported since opening in 2007 is long: Raleigh Jaycees, Prevent Child Abuse NC, Interact, Save Darfur Coalition, just to name a few. And rallying this generous community to put some money where their hearts are is something we feel very good about, and we will continue to share opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways.… Read the rest