
Deadlines, Timelines & Processes

July 7, 2014 in Blog

Deadlines, Timelines & Processes

by Jill Sockman

I got some good advice a while back about timelines.  And I am not talking about work deadlines where others are relying on you to complete one part of a whole, but rather the self-imposed “I should be X by Y date/time/age.”

The advice was this: if YOU are the one making the timeline, then be sure you aren’t using it as a measuring stick to determine your worth as a human being.  Whether it’s sending out a newsletter, getting out of an unhealthy job situation, breaking or creating a habit — really anything that elicits the “I should be xxxxx by now” followed by feelings of remorse, regret, abject failure, whatever.… Read the rest

When Yoga Works

May 12, 2014 in Blog

When Yoga Works

How content are you with things as they are?  If you’re at all like me, it depends very much on the day (and how connected I am to my practice). Generally speaking, I think I can say with confidence that the closer the external circumstances align with the internal “how things should be” compass, the happier we are, right?  Hmmm. So, what about the other 360 days of the year?

I have been both the recipient and sharer of this teaching on many occasions. The Yoga is working when we are content and at peace with life (on the inside and the outside) regardless of circumstance.  … Read the rest

It begins

February 6, 2014 in Blog

It begins

My blue family,

At about this time every year, I silently (or not so silently) ask the question, “why do we do this?”  It’s usually followed by a short list of reasons why a fundraising event of this magnitude is really out of our scope and is, therefore, driving us out of our minds. But that small and whiny voice is always drowned out by the deeper, stronger, louder, and truer voice that answers, “we do this because we can.”

In the words of Albert Einstein,

“Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”Read the rest